The key to Social Media is integration each feeds the other component allowing the individual multiple access points into your social media network. When effectively integrated SEO is supported along with multiple channels for information to be distributed. Facebook each componet of the Social Media Integration plays a unique and defined roll.

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FACEBOOK ~ a corporate Facebook pressence has become a neccesity. It is a vehicle to show-case the tallents of a company while also allowing for two-way communication between a company and the public.

Facebook offers a tool set that can greatly benefit a company's ability to stay relevent in this fast changing social market.



BLOGGER ~ is one of the most underutilizes vehicles from most companies. This incredible Public Relations vehicle not only is an opportunity to get relevent information into the public, but now is a primary vehicle for news agencies to fish when looking for content for articles.

When used properly Blogger can act as PR firm for a company.



YOUTUBE ~ Youtube's functionality is greatly underutilized by most companies. These functionalities support a company's Social Media network. These functions include tagging and links to FaceBook, Blogger, Twiiter and all the Social Media assets.

Progressive companies maximize this pressence with ongoing content for YouTube.



INSTAGRAM ~ offers a company to present a pictorial campain. The key factor is that content must be relevent or interesting to maintain interest in this componet.

It is now becoming an option to get relevent images to people that have interest in your company. The effective uses have been used to share specific information with current customers.



TWITTER ~ This is not just a platform for the entertainment industy.

Progressive companies have been able to offer successful instant oportunity offers. A company can release promotional feed that goes out to the follows offering a code that is good for the day or even the hour. A simple effective opportunity once your Twitter base is established.



Search Engine Optimization
has become the desire of most companies. Without question there is Web archetecture that supports SEO. it is however only part of the global archetecture that supports higher placement on key word searches. Effective development and planning of Social Media drives SEO the components work together. Integration of Social Media contributes to SEO much more effectively. It also contributes to defined searches for your company.


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