I have always enjoyed packaging design. The physicality of it with brand integration creates shelf appeal. Each packaging design opportunity allows the brand theme to be carried through to the end user. Progressive companies are equally concerned about the design and function of its product packaging as the quality of the product within. I selected a few of my designs for packaging to give a cross section of design work.


These products are based in science but needed the added appeal of a beauty line. I combined molecular structures and science oriented graphics to create a design that presents the crèmes with a distinctive, stylized look for beauty/health products. These are expensive to purchase and the previous packaging did not reflect the cost/value ratio.


The challenge with this design was to formulate an approach focused so that the wine itself would be taken seriously. I created the Vampire font to give a clean lined look with a dark overture. I hand scratched out the Dracula script, placed it behind a very aristocratic looking font and added an icon that came from the Dracula family crest. TrueBlood was a traditional wine look because it came from an actual Trueblood family vineyard.


This had unique packaging challenges. It was a completely new concept in flea control treatments by adding the contents to a vacuum instead of spreading the contents throughout the house. The pests were then killed inside the vacuum. The concept was so different that the original packaging was confusing to some customers. The packaging had to illustrate how to use the product. We approached this by combining a fun graphic of a dog using the product. Sales increased substantially with the redesign.

I included this packaging for two reasons. First it is an illustration of how brand integration works with completely different products. Secondly it is an example of incorporating POP display with shipping packaging. It is important to plan for the scope of a design project. This allowed retailers to take the item directly from the shipping container and place the box on a counter top to have a functioning POP display.
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