Identity is the placement of a brand into a forum where it will be seen by a macro audience. Each of these design pieces were seen by millions of individuals.
I chose these pieces to represent the different style of placements.

Billboard Placement
Sony Pictures

Billboards need to have something that engages you to look and take in the concept within a few seconds. Kate Beckinsale's eyes accomplished this effect in this joint promotion with TI Beverage group.


Back Cover Placement, Wired, PC Magazine

Back cover placement of tech publication. Some of the leading tech publications ran these image ads, including WIRED, T-Sector and PC Magazine. The idea behind this campaign is to create brand awareness instead of a single product promotion.
Exterior of Mobile Theater
New Visual Entertainment

This mobile theater would arrive at large venue events and with in a few hours be converted into a 250 seat theater. The idea behind this design was to create something striking that would draw attention. The result was achieved with most shows sold out and a line for the following shows.
  Blade Trinity Shop    
  Blade Trinity
Product Placement
New Line Cinema

Getting product placement in mass media such as cinema, television and events offers significant branding and image opportunities. Exploring these opportunities assists in the creation of brand awareness. Making your brands available to these vehicles ties into your Social Media network.
Sweep Stakes
New Line Cinema & 7-11

Contests have been a popular form of brand identity this piece was promoted through New Line & 7-11 convenience stores promotional media included radio, email blasts and in-store postcards. I used this example on how we layered our branding efforts through product placement, sweep stakes, a limited edition Vamp NRG can and even had product placement at the premier cast party.
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